Silver Award Girl Scouts
When Girl Scout Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts, and take action to make a difference, they gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success. It all adds up to the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest honor a Cadette can achieve. Download the Silver Award guidelines to find out how.
You can become a Silver Award Girl Scout if:
You're in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade (or equivalent)
You're a registered Girl Scout Cadette
You have completed a Cadette Journey
Girl Scout Silver Award Steps
- Identify an issue you care about.
- Build
your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo.
- Explore your community.
- Pick your
Silver Award project.
- Develop your
- Make a plan and put it into
- Reflect, share your story, and celebrate.
Adult Guide: Girl Scout Silver Award
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