Girl Scout meets Pope Francis in Vatican City
All image rights and copyrights reserved to the photographic service of L’Osservatore Romano.

GSUSA and Catholic Church Relationship

Girl Scouts of the USA is proud of its 100-year relationship with the Catholic Church and is pleased that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has on its website the following resources: Questions and Answers About Girl Scouts of the USA and About Catholic ScoutingBackground on Girl Scouts of the USA and USCCB Conversations.

The following bullets will help you better understand GSUSA's relationship with the Catholic Church and gain useful information about some of Girl Scouts’ programs:

  • Two examples of collaboration agreements—Milwaukee (PDF) and Lexington (PDF)—reflecting how dioceses and Girl Scout councils continue to build on their partnerships
  • A description of GSUSA's My Promise, My Faith program, which invites girls of all ages to explore their faith, and information about the role that troop leaders and other adults play (PDF) in helping girls strengthen their understanding of their faith (Through this program, girls are also encouraged to earn their faith organization's emblems and recognitions.)
  • A roundup of the Take Action projects girls who are earning Girl Scouts’ highest awards have accomplished at Catholic churches
  • Information on volunteering (Note that girls in many parishes and Catholic schools would love to join Girl Scouts and are often placed on waiting lists due to a shortage of adult volunteers.)

We look forward to furthering our relationship with the Catholic Church and Catholic communities throughout the country. Should you have questions regarding any of the information on this page, please contact GSUSA.


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