A Girl Scout Troop Leader watching the Tips for Troop Leader Live webcast

Tips for Troop Leaders Live

Wondering how you can guide your troop when you can’t meet in person? Or how to talk to families about keeping activities girl-led at home? Or maybe how you should be taking care of yourself at this time? We’re here with advice from fellow troop leaders who’ve been there. 

Our monthly webcast series, Tips for Troop Leaders LIVE, brings you real-world advice and practical tips you can use to make the most of your troop leader experience, whatever that looks like for you right now.  

Upcoming Events

What Does a Well-Rounded Girl Scout Year Look Like Now?

It may be a new year, but January also marks the halfway point in the troop year! So what’s coming up in the second half? Can your troop still enjoy the foundations of a great Girl Scout experience—like a variety of girl-led activities, field trips, and fun Girl Scout traditions—if you can’t meet in-person? We’ll hear from the Girl Scout Research Institute about the importance of these experiences throughout the troop year and two current troop leaders will share how they’re making it happen right now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021
8:00 PM EST 

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Past Events

Thinking Outside the Box This Cookie Season

Can your girls still get all the benefits of the Girl Scout Cookie Program—like decision-making, money management, goal-setting, and people skills—when they can’t meet in person? The answer is yes! We’ll talk with troop leaders about how they’re pivoting this cookie season and how troops can still get a sweet entrepreneurial experience. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
8:00 PM EST 

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How Your Girls Can Change the World Right Now

Your girls want to give back, but how can they serve their community in a socially distanced world? What do community service and take action projects look like right now? In this webcast, we’ll ask troop leaders how their girls are finding big and small ways to make an impact.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
8:00 PM EST 

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Bringing the World to Your Girls... From Home

There's a big, amazing world out there, and you can still experience it with your girls! In this webcast, you'll discover what global Girl Scouting is all about, what global programming looks like right now, and how troop leaders can help their girls connect with the world throughout the year—yes, even if you're meeting virtually! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
8:00 PM EST    


Get to Know Girl Scouts' CEO, Judith Batty

What do you want to know about our trailblazing interim CEO, Judith Batty? In this special Tips for Troop Leaders LIVE, Judith—a lifelong Girl Scout and former troop leader—will share her vision and her favorite volunteer moments, as well as answer your most pressing questions!

This webcast will be hosted by our Tips for Troop Leaders contributors. Share your questions when you register (as always, you can still ask questions during the event!) and feel free to forward this event to your fellow volunteers!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
8:00 PM EST    


Get the Support You Need from Your Service Unit Team

Your service unit is your go-to for advice and extra support throughout the troop year, so how can you make the most of these key volunteer relationships? In this webcast, we’ll get the scoop from two service unit volunteers (and regular Tips for Troop Leaders contributors!), who will share their answers to common troop leader questions, how to get what you need from service unit meetings, and the ways you can lean on your service unit for help.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020
8:00 PM EST    


How to Build Your Troop Support Squad

Team work makes the dream work, as the saying goes, and having a supportive squad will set up you and your troop for success! In this webcast, troop leaders will share how they built their troop volunteer committee and how they make those important volunteer roles work for everyone in the troop.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
8:00 PM EST                                                                                                      

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Planning the Troop Year in an Uncertain World

Depending on where you live, the new troop year might look a bit different from what you originally anticipated. In this webcast, we’ll explore what you’ll want to consider as you plan for a troop year in our current climate. Current troop leaders will share the in-person and virtual meeting tips you’ll want to keep in mind.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
8:00 PM EST                                                                                                      


Not a STEM Expert? Not a Problem! Finding STEM Magic in Everyday Settings

STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) really is for everyone. And the best part is, you don’t need to be an expert to lead your troop in STEM activities! In this webcast, you’ll discover how you can make connections between STEM concepts and what you and your girls already love—and increase your confidence along the way.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020
8:00 PM EST                                                                                                      

VIeW Now

Navigating Challenging Conversations With Your Girls

 This has been a difficult year, and Girl Scout troops weren’t excluded. With families stressed by COVID-19 changes and violent racism, how can you be prepared for any difficult conversations that may come up in your troop? On this webcast, we’ll talk with Valerie Weaver, a social worker from Girl Scouts of Greater New York, about how you can prepare yourself to best support your girls.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
8:00 PM EST       


Bringing the Great Outdoors Home

Outdoor activities offer so much more than fun in the sun; they’re about building tangible outdoor skills, forging deep friendships, and growing girls' confidence. So how do you keep the excitement and learning going when traditional summer experiences, like camp, are canceled? In this webcast, we’ll discuss how you can successfully balance virtual activities with hands-on family fun to keep building your troop’s outdoor skills—yes, even from home.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
8:00 PM EST


Leading Engaging Virtual Meetings with Your Daisies and Brownies (Yes, It’s Possible!)

You love that your youngest go-getters are energetic and excited about Girl Scouts, but that very energy is what makes it challenging to capture their attention and keep your virtual meeting on track. In this webcast, we'll talk with three troop leaders about how they successfully manage virtual meetings with their Daisies and Brownies.

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Why Flexibility Thinking is the Self-Care You Need Now

We talk about self-care as a routine, but did you know that learning to roll with the changes is part of a healthy routine? We’ll explore why flexibility thinking is an important part of self-care and how it helps us care for ourselves, our families, and our troops! We’ll talk with Dr. Gil Noam of the PEAR (Partnerships in Education and Resilience) Institute at Harvard University, Kallen Tsikalas of the Girl Scout Research Institute, and Denise Montgomery, a Cadette troop leader with Girl Scouts of San Diego and contributor to the Tips for Troop Leaders blog.

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