Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson’s generous support of the Math in Nature badges for girls in grades K-5 prepares girls to be leaders in STEM and the outdoors. With three badges for each level, Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors explore the environment and nature using math and measurement. Funding from Johnson & Johnson also supports programmatic research and the development of badge training materials for volunteers, helping troop leaders grow their girls’ STEM interest, confidence, and competencies.

Additionally, Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) is partnering with Johnson & Johnson to host a worldwide virtual event for Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in grades 6-12 focusing on global public health.

As a seasoned GSUSA collaborator, Johnson & Johnson has previously supported Girl Scouts by backing:

  • Our Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors to prepare them to experiment, explore their environments, and push boundaries in healthy ways, all while learning how they can improve the world through STEM.

  • Virtual events, including “Awesome Girls: Crowdsourcing for Cures,” during which girls got a behind-the-scenes look at research from scientists who are at the forefront of finding cures for diseases and improving human health, as well as national and council virtual events in English and Spanish inspired by the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. Johnson & Johnson also supported “Exploradoras hoy. Científicas mañana. ¡Celebrando el futuro de nuestras niñas!,” Girl Scouts’ first national recruitment event in Spanish.

Learn more about the Math in Nature badges and Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey at Girl Scouts’ Award and Badge Explorer.

About Johnson & Johnson
Johnson & Johnson has been championing women and giving them the tools, resources, and opportunities to succeed at work and at home since its founding more than 130 years ago. J&J believes that women—inside and outside the company—can be catalysts for creating healthier people, healthier communities, and a healthier world. As part of the effort to promote women’s power and improve human health, J&J is committed to building a diverse WiSTEM2D community by mobilizing brilliant minds that ignite great ideas. Through a multifaceted partnership approach, Johnson & Johnson meets women at pivotal developmental stages in their lives.