The Girl Scout Advocacy Center
The Girl Scout Advocacy Center provides a tool for you to become a voice for girls and to make a difference in your community and across the nation. Together, we can educate policymakers and community leaders on issues that directly affect girls and Girl Scouts. By being an advocate, you will have an impact on girl policy issues moving through Congress and state legislatures.
Urge Congress to Pass Immediate COVID Relief!
Six months ago in an overwhelming bipartisan vote, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to cushion the impact of the coronavirus and social distancing needed to slow its spread. Since then relief has come and gone—including via the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), federal unemployment supplement, and more—while the damage of the pandemic continues to unfold.
Tell Lawmakers to Support Greater Charitable Giving!
The bipartisan, bicameral Universal Giving Pandemic Response and Recovery Act (S.618, H.R.1704) would extend and expand the charitable deduction for nonitemizer taxpayers originally enacted in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act from $300 per individual and $600 per couple to a maximum of one-third of the standard deduction.
Tell Lawmakers to Support Civics Education!
Civic education and civic engagement are centerpieces of Girl Scouts. We strongly support efforts to elevate civic education through legislation. While Americans’ awareness of their First Amendment rights and the branches of our federal government has increased in recent years, national statistics show that young people continue to need civic education.
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