UNICEF Kid Power

Get your girls moving, and do good with UNICEF!

Through Girl Scouts’ partnership with UNICEF Kid Power, your troop can give back while taking part in a fun activity at your next virtual meeting!

UNICEF Kid Power is an online platform that lets girls select from a library of over 150 videos of three- to five-minute activities that will have them dancing, learning about the world and having fun. Videos feature:

  • Physical activities like dancing, workouts, and yoga
  • Activities that teach girls social-emotional skills and spark conversations on social justice and change, resilience, and more.

By engaging with UNICEF Kid Power’s videos, your troop can unlock virtual coins to support food banks and philanthropic organizations in your community! And for every ten exercise or mindfulness videos completed, UNICEF distributes one ready-to-use therapeutic food packet to a severely malnourished child. Your troop’s donations may go anywhere in the world.

How to get started:

  1. Visit to sign up for and access UNICEF Kid Power for free. (Your council may already have a troop signed up!)

    Important: When you come to “school/organization,” click “add it here” to enter your local troop information. Be sure to call your organization “Girl Scout Troop _____.”

  2. Now you’re ready to watch UNICEF Kid Power Up videos! Videos are each three to five minutes and give your troop chances to dance, do yoga, and learn about the world. Play a video at your next troop meeting to get moving! If your troop is meeting remotely, share your screen and unlock impact together.

    Introduce your girls to UNICEF Kid Power and then have them select the videos they want to play at upcoming meetings!

Introduce UNICEF Kid Power to your troop:

  • To start, show your troop members Girl Scouts’ UNICEF Kid Power landing page. Then, while sharing your screen, play the student introduction video. This will help girls learn what it means to be part of the UNICEF Kid Power program.
  • Before you select and watch videos together, set a goal so you can make a clear impact! How many videos does your troop hope to complete? You can also decide how many virtual coins you want to earn in the UNICEF Kid Power Exchange. Think about what you can realistically accomplish. Your troop members and their families can also participate in UNICEF Kid Power Up videos outside of troop meetings!
  • Make your impact. Remember, for every video you complete your troop earns virtual coins to use in the UNICEF Kid Power Exchange, which lets you support food banks and other organizations in your community. For every ten videos you watch, you unlock therapeutic food packets for severely malnourished children around the world.

To learn more about getting your troop involved in UNICEF Kid Power and other humanitarian efforts, check out our full guides: 

To learn more about UNICEF Kid Power, follow the program on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @UNICEFKidPower.