Girls Changing the World

Wow—talk about impressive! Girl Scouts everywhere are changing the world in meaningful ways. What can we say? It’s in our DNA. 

See what Girl Scouts are doing to make the world a better place by checking out the projects on this interactive map.

Whether it’s a Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, a Forever Green project, or a Journey Take Action project, they’re here.

 Get details on what girls are doing to change the world.

 Be inspired to take on your own project.

 Share your own story to let people know how you’re making a difference!

Our "Girls Changing the World" map features Take Action projects, not service projects. Please make sure your project includes the elements of a Take Action project outlined below.

Service Versus Action: What’s the Difference?

Girl Scouts often do community service, and Take Action and higher awards projects. Both kinds of projects help communities in different ways. What’s the difference?

Direct and immediate service changes something right now. Longer-lasting action gets at the root cause of issues.

Community service makes the world better for some people “right now.” For example, collecting cans of food for the local food pantry feeds people “right now.” Gathering toys for a homeless-family shelter makes kids happy “right now.” Providing clothing and toiletries to people who have suffered a disaster helps them get through a traumatic event “right now.” These acts of kindness are important ways to help some people—right now.

Take Action projects, along with the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards, address the root cause of an issue, and come up with sustainable, longer-lasting solutions. These projects strive to make the world a better place for more people for a much longer time. Sometimes, service and action just naturally blend together into one sustainable effort. As a Girl Scout, you use both service and action to live out the Girl Scout Law and “make the world a better place!”