  • Go-getter
  • Innovator
  • Risk-taker
  • Leader

Take the Lead Like a Girl Scout!

When she's a Girl Scout, she’s also a G.I.R.L. Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader.

When you think Girl Scouts, you might think cookies, campfires and friendship bracelets. And sure, those things are all part of this exciting, life-altering journey, but there’s so much more to it!

Girl Scouts are big thinkers, groundbreakers, and role models. They design robots, start garage bands, and improve their communities—and yes, they sell the best cookies on the planet. 

Every day, Girl Scouts unleash the power of G.I.R.L. to make amazing things happen.



She’s bold, honest, and determined to succeed. In her mind failure is no reason not to get back up and try again, and again, and again. That explains why half of all U.S. businesswomen were Girl Scouts. 



Thinking outside the box is her specialty, so she’s always looking for a creative way to take action. A clear correlation: 73 percent of current female senators were Girl Scouts. 



Courageous and strong, she’s keen to try new things and embrace the unfamiliar. It's no wonder that many of the women who have flown in space were Girl Scouts.



She’s confident, responsible, and committed to changing the world. Here's proof: Every year, Girl Scouts collectively spend tens of millions of hours improving their communities.


These traits define girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. This is the Girl Scout DNA.

It could be part of your DNA, too—whatever your age, gender, or background. The only question is, are you ready to take the lead...like a Girl Scout?

Unleash your inner G.I.R.L.!

Click below and enter your zip code to find troops and other opportunities near you!


Outside the U.S.? Check out USAGSO.

Raise your voice and sing along to the Girl Scout anthem!

Our powerful anthem, “Watch Me Shine,” explores how Girl Scouts find the strength and confidence to lead the way, every day—and create meaningful change in themselves and their communities. Written by Grammy Award-winner Liz Rose and performer Emily Shackelton (both Girl Scouts themselves!), the tune also features Girl Scouts on backup vocals.