Girl Scouts celebrate faith during Girl Scout Week (March 7–13, 2021)

Plan a Girl Scouts Celebrate Faith Event

Girl Scout Week is a time when we shout our Girl Scout pride from the rooftops! It’s also a time when many troops celebrate the connections between Girl Scouting and their faith, learn more about other faiths, and thank faith partners for their support throughout the year. Girls can join in the festivities on three specially designated dates (or a day of your choosing):

Girl Scout Sunday: Sunday March 6, 2022
Girl Scout Jummah: Friday March 11, 2022
Girl Scout Sabbath/Shabbat: Friday March 11 – Saturday March 12, 2022

Whether they participate in a worship service, plan an activity before or after the service, or organize a service project, your girls can honor those meaningful connections in lots of ways! Check out these resources to help you plan, promote, and carry out your virtual or in-person event with your faith partner.

  1. Girl Scouts Celebrate Faith Fliers: Add your event details to these customizable fliers and ask your faith partner to share in their newsletter or bulletin.

    Girl Scout Sunday (PDF)
    Girl Scout Jummah (PDF)
    Girl Scout Sabbath (PDF)
    Girl Scouts Celebrate Faith (PDF)

  2. Order of Service Ideas: Encourage your girls to play an active role in your house of worship’s service! Work with your faith partner to select the best options for your event.

    Sample Service Ideas (PDF) 

  3. Activities Tip Sheet: Try one of these activities before or after the worship service and during Girl Scout Week (check out the tips below for more!). As always, team up with your faith partner to find an option that works for everyone.

    Pre- and Post-Service Ideas (PDF)

  4. PowerPoint Inserts: Customize these sample PowerPoint slides and ask if your faith partner can include them in a worship service slide show to promote your event. (Spanish slides available).

    PowerPoint Slides Inserts (PPTX)

  5. Prayers: Share these sample Girl Scout-focused prayers and sample speech with your faith partner.

    Sample Prayers (DOCX)

  6.  Iron-On Embroidered Patches: Make your Girl Scouts Celebrate Faith event something your troop won’t forget—with a patch! Patches are available at your council store or the Girl Scout Shop and include: Girl Scout SundayGirl Scout JummahGirl Scout Sabbath, and Girl Scout Faith (for any faith celebration or faith event, including interfaith).

Tips for Planning a Memorable Event

  1. Work closely with your faith partner. Teaming up will help event planning and promotion go smoothly and deepen the connection between your troop and your faith partner.

  2. Start early. Houses of worship will appreciate the extra time to incorporate your event into their worship schedule!

  3. Include pre- and post-activities. Events before and after the worship service are a great way to share the benefits of Girl Scouting with faith families and give back to your faith partner. Depending on your area’s COVID guidelines, you might host a cookie booth and/or cookies and punch reception after the service or do a service project—check out the activities tip sheet for more.

  4. Promote your event. Spread the word through social media and neighborhood channels. Ask your faith partner to promote the event in their newsletters or bulletins. And give your local council a heads up too: they may amplify through their channels.

  5. Thank your faith partner after the event. Faith partners will appreciate a note of thanks after your event, especially one they can share with their community.

Learn more about Girl Scouts and faith. 

These resources include virtual/socially distant celebration options. Be sure to check your council’s and your community’s safety guidelines.