Find quick answers to your questions about Girl Scouting's Highest
Awards: the Girl
Scout Gold Award, Silver
Award, and Bronze
Why are Journeys prerequisites to earning the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards?
How do girls know when a Journey is "completed?"
What makes the guidelines for Girl Scouting’s highest awards different from those for the Journeys?
What are the suggested hours for earning each of the awards?
Can a troop work toward an award together?
Can girls begin working on their awards the summer after they bridge (transition) from one Girl Scout level to the next?
Can Take Action projects for the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards focus on Girl Scouting?
If a girl starts working on her Take Action project and moves, can she still earn her award?
Who are the adult guides for: council staff, parents, or volunteers?
Do we need a different set of requirements for girls with disabilities to earn the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards?
Can a troop or group work toward a Gold Award together?
Is sustainability differentiated at each grade level?
Who can earn the Girl Scout Gold Award?
Can individually registered girl members or “Juliettes” earn the Girl Scout Gold Award?
Does a Senior or Ambassador need to complete the two Journeys in any particular order?
How can we make sure that Girl Scout awards represent quality projects?
What is the difference between a troop/group volunteer and a Girl Scout Gold Award project advisor? Do girls need both?
Why can’t a parent be a Girl Scout Gold Award project advisor?
At what point should a Girl Scout Gold Award project advisor be identified?
What is the role of a council’s Girl Scout Gold Award committee?
What does it mean to have a sustainable project?
How does a girl measure project impact?
What does it mean to identify a national and/or global link?
Can a girl earn the Girl Scout Gold Award even if she hasn’t been in Girl Scouts very long?
Are there other considerations a girl should have in mind as she prepares to start working toward her Gold (or other highest) Award?
What if a girl is 18 and graduating? Can she complete her project when she is in college?
What if a girl graduates high school and is 18 and doesn’t have her project completed?
What if a girl’s project is not completed by the time of her council’s ceremony?