National Council Session

National Council Session

Starting in 1915 and every few years since then, delegates from every council across the nation and USA Girl Scouts Overseas have met during our National Council Sessions (NCS) to discuss, debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement and elect national leaders for the next triennium.

56th National Council Session in 2023

Save the date for July 2023 and the 56th National Council Session!  

We can’t wait to gather again safely in person for the 56th National Council Session, taking place in Orlando, Florida, in July 2023 (exact dates to be announced in late 2021). In the meantime, watch this video to get excited for our next convention!

55th National Council Session in 2020

During our 55th NCS, approximately 1,200 delegates, including several hundred girl members aged 14–17, represented their councils. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, they met virtually and they elected a new National Board, including a new National President, Karen P. Layng, and, spent hours deliberating on each proposal that was up for debate.

Learn more about the 55th National Council Session by:

2020-2023 Board Slate Commitment Statement

In September 2020, the new National Board and National Board Development Committee pledged to adhere to this Commitment Statement for the next triennium in their work on behalf of the Movement. These commitments focus on what unites our Movement—starting with our strong belief in the Girl Scout mission and our desire to expand its reach and impact—and communicate how through our shared good governance the candidates for the National Board and National Board Development Committee would serve, engage with, and grow the Movement.

2020-2023 Board Slate Commitment Statement (PDF)


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