Girl Scout Cookie Program®
Find quick answers to your questions about Girl Scout Cookies®.
Buying Girl Scout Cookies
When do Girl Scout Cookies go on sale and how do I find them?
How is the Girl Scout Cookie Program valuable to girls?
Can I buy Girl Scout Cookies online?
Are Girl Scout Cookies shipped?
Why are Girl Scout Cookies available only for a short time?
General Product Information
Which Girl Scout Cookies are currently available?
What if I'm not satisfied with my Girl Scout Cookies?
How can I be sure my Girl Scout Cookies were baked for the current season?
How much is a package of Girl Scout Cookies? Why do prices vary in different regions?
Who bakes Girl Scout Cookies?
How many cookies are in a package of Girl Scout Cookies, and how big are they?
Why are my Caramel deLites® now called Samoas®? Why are my Trefoils® now called Shortbread?
Who selects Girl Scout Cookie varieties?
What are the best-selling Girl Scout Cookies?
Where can I find recipes that use Girl Scout Cookies?
Who are the girls on the Girl Scout Cookie packages?
Why do my Girl Scout Cookie nutrition labels look different?
Should people with diabetes buy or consume Girl Scout Cookies?
Do Girl Scout Cookies contribute to childhood obesity?
Girl Scouts announced a new cookie, why isn’t it available in my area?
How can I purchase the new cookie Toast-Yay!TM cookie?
Will Girl Scouts sell these cookies in-person?
Why are some Girl Scout Cookie varieties priced differently from other ones?
Product Ingredients
How do I find out the ingredients, nutritional value, and allergen information for Girl Scout Cookies?
I noticed the allergen disclosure on the Girl Scout Cookie packaging is different. Why was it revised?
Has the manufacturing process for any of the cookies changed?
What does this mean for Girl Scout Cookie customers who have food allergies?
Are all Girl Scout Cookies halal certified?
Why did Girl Scouts and the bakers go through the process of obtaining halal certification?
Are all Girl Scout Cookies kosher?
Why did Girl Scouts and the bakers go through the process of obtaining halal certification?
Did anything change in Girl Scout Cookies for them to be halal certified?
Is high-fructose corn syrup used in Girl Scout Cookies?
Why is palm oil used in Girl Scout Cookies?
Why don't you offer cookies that are whole wheat, wheat-free, sugar-free, casein-free, organic, low-carb, low-calorie, low-fat, non-fat, fat-free, and the like?
Do you offer cookies made with vegan ingredients?
Are there Girl Scout Cookies that are certified gluten-free?
How is Toffee-tastic Gluten Free certified if it is made in a bakery with wheat?
Is palm oil used in Girl Scout Cookies baked by Little Brownie Bakers?
Social Responsibility
Are Girl Scout Cookies sustainable?
Is the cocoa used in Girl Scout Cookies ethically sourced?
Do Girl Scout Cookies contain GMOs?
What does the RSPO Credits logo on the side of my Girl Scout Cookie package represent?
What’s the significance of the RSPO logo on the side of my Girl Scout Cookie package?
Is my Girl Scout Cookie package recyclable?
Selling Girl Scout Cookies
Who can sell Girl Scout Cookies?
Can Girl Scouts who aren’t in a troop participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program?
I've moved, and now I have to pre-order my cookies. Why is selling and buying cookies different from one community to the next?
How does Girl Scouts keep girls safe as they sell cookies?
Do girls earn Girl Scout badges by participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program?
Can Girl Scouts donate cookies to military personnel or local charities?
What happens to the leftover cookies at the end of the cookie sale?
Who is the top seller of Girl Scout Cookies?
Cookie Revenue
Where does the money from my purchase of Girl Scout Cookies go?
Does any of the money from cookie sales go to GSUSA (the national Girl Scout organization)?
Is my purchase of Girl Scout Cookies tax-deductible?
Does any part of Girl Scout Cookie Program revenue support organizations other than the local Girl Scout council?
Girl Scout Cookies and cookie-inspired flavors can be found in some popular food items. Can any business use Girl Scout Cookies and cookie-inspired flavors in its products?
What happened to the Cookie Activity pin?
What is the Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin?
What is the structure of the new Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin?
Why did the pin requirements change?
Why is the pin design changing?
Does the pin carry over from uniform to uniform?
When do I place the Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin?
When and where can I find the pin’s requirements?
What about girls who do not have a traditional family environment?
When will the pins be available for sale?
How much will the pin cost?
How do I order the pin?
Can I keep last year’s cookie pin on my uniform alongside the Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin?
Where can I get more information about the new pins?