Always / Walmart
As part of the Always #LikeAGirl campaign, Always works with retailers to stop the drop in confidence girls experience at puberty. Always has teamed up with long-term partner Walmart to support the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and help stop this drop-in confidence that girls experience at puberty.
The most recent Always #LikeAGirl survey uncovered that seven in ten girls report being so afraid of failing during puberty that they avoid trying new things.[i] The impact of this fear is increasingly evident within the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, where experiencing failure makes one in two girls choose not to further their STEM studies.[ii]
To encourage girls to pursue STEM, Always and Walmart are sponsoring 100 girls from five different Girl Scout councils across the United States to take part in the Always and Walmart Live #LikeAGirl STEM Academy, which pairs #LikeAGirl confidence materials with Girl Scouts STEM programming. Always #LikeAGirl and Walmart are providing the girls with access to P&G and Walmart/ mentors who will help guide them as they embark on their STEM journeys, ensuring the girls have the resources they need to boost their confidence and stick with STEM!
The following councils are participating in the Live #LikeAGirl STEM Academy:
- Girl Scouts Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas
- Girl Scouts of Greater New York
- Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey
- Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
- Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
In addition to providing Girl Scout councils with a unique experience, Always and Walmart are also supporting Girl Scouts through a cause marketing campaign from now until the end of April. For every eligible pack of Always product sold on, Walmart will donate $1 to GSUSA, with a guaranteed minimum and maximum $50,000 from the total eligible transactions.
About Always and Walmart’s Live #LikeAGirl Campaign
the past 35 years, Always has been committed to stopping the drop in
confidence girls experience at puberty. The most recent Always
campaign is focused on helping girls persevere through failure as
setbacks are part of the learning process. The fear of failing is so
grand amongst girls that it is highly visible within science,
technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. As part of this work,
Always is partnering with retailers to encourage girls to pursue their
goals and build their confidence.
Always and Walmart want to empower girls to stick with STEM and are pleased to announce their support of Girl Scouts of the USA by committing $250,000 to support the rollout of Girl Scouts STEM programming.
[i] The Always Confidence & Puberty Wave V Study was conducted by MSLGROUP using the Research Now Panel and surveyed a total of 1,500 Americans. The survey was conducted among a sample of 1,000 females aged 16 to 24 year old and 500 males aged 16 to 24. The survey was implemented between the dates of March 9, 2017 through March 24, 2017.
[ii] The Always Confidence & Puberty STEM Study was conducted by MSLGROUP Research and surveyed a total of 1,000 Americans. The survey was conducted among a sample of 1,000 females aged 16 to 24 year old. The survey was implemented between the dates of August 25, 2017 to August 29, 2017.