13 Reasons Why Your Teen Keeps Secrets From You
Ideally, we’d all hope our children would feel comfortable sharing absolutely anything with us—no matter how big or small—but as we were all young once, we know some situations might be easier to talk to parents about than others. That said, real life tragedies in our communities—and those on shows like "13 Reasons Why"—really hit home and remind us that some of the hardest things to talk about are actually the most important.
While the Netflix hit show has everyone talking about teen suicide and assault, we also need to be talking more about how to improve communication between teens and the adults who can actually help them. We’re sure you’ve always told your daughter to come to you if she’s facing issues like bullying, inappropriate comments about her body, self-harm, or substance abuse—but there are still a host of reasons why she might be reticent to turn to you for help. Check them out below, and learn how you can help bridge the gap.
1. She’s scared of being punished
If your daughter has been involved with something or hanging
out with someone you might not approve of, she may hide it from you
even if the situation becomes dangerous. Make sure to tell her from an
early age that she can always call you for help—no matter
what—and that even if you’re disappointed in her actions, her
well-being is always most important to you. Agree on a code word or
“excuse” (maybe “I ate something weird and have hives” or “that weird
headache is coming back”) that she can call you with or text you for
an anytime emergency pick-up and immediate, unconditional support.
Questions can come later—her health and safety always come first.
2. She doesn’t want to betray a friend
Social ties are
directly tied to self-worth for most teenagers, and being trusted with
a secret can be almost an honor among friends at this age. But some
secrets like thoughts of self-harm, substance abuse, or physical or
emotional violence must be shared, as they could actually save
someone’s life. Tell her early and often that although her friend
might be furious at her for sharing, real friends look out for each
other’s safety—no matter what.
3. She thinks you won’t listen
In the past, when she’s come to you with a problem, have you
brushed it off as no big deal? Are you often texting when she’s
telling you about her day? If that’s the case, there’s a chance she
thinks she wouldn’t be heard even if she did open up to you. You can
help fix this by being more fully present when having conversations
with your daughter. No phones, no TV, and no interrupting her until
she’s done telling you what’s going on.
4. She thinks you won’t understand
Kids, especially
teenagers, often find it impossible to believe that their parents were
ever young, in high school, and facing many of the same difficulties
they’re facing today. So talk to your girl about your own teen
years—the ups, the downs, the really hard times. And if you have a
lousy day in your present-day life? Share that with her in an
accessible, age-appropriate way, too—along with how you’re working
through it. This will show her that bumps in the road can be navigated
more smoothly when you have someone on your team, and possibly make
her more likely to open up to you when things get tough on her end.
5. She thinks you don’t have time
Between work,
figuring out what’s for dinner, paying the bills, schlepping back and
forth to soccer practice, and making sure the dog got fed, you
are busy. What your daughter needs to know, though, is that
you’re never too busy for her and that she’s your number one priority.
Start setting aside weekly one-on-one time with your girl one night a
week after school or on the weekends to really connect and show her
you’re there for her.
6. She doesn’t want to stress you out
It’s absolutely OK, and in fact, important to let your children
know that your life isn’t perfect and that you face disappointments
and hurdles just like everyone else. But if you already seem
overwhelmed by other parts of your life, your daughter might try to
spare you by not sharing her own worries, sadness, or anxieties. If
you need emotional support to get through a particularly rough time,
try turning to other adults in your life (friends, family, community
leaders) rather than asking your daughter to shoulder that burden on
her own. She needs you as a support, and might not feel that you can
be one if she’s always supporting you.
7. She doesn’t want to seem babyish
As a tween or
teen, your daughter wants to prove how independent she can be—and for
some girls, that might mean “handling things” on her own without going
to Mom or Dad for advice or support. What she doesn’t realize, though,
is that reaching out for help is one of the strongest, most mature
things any person can do. Help her see things differently by telling
her stories about times when people in your or her life were smart
enough to seek a helping hand—and praise her maturity in times when
she does turn to you.
8. She’s embarrassed or ashamed
girls—feel a lot of shame and humiliation over things that are totally
normal. And having a culture that focuses so much on girls’ and
women’s bodies only adds to the problem. So make a point to not shame
other girls and women over how they look, what they eat, or what they
do or don’t do with their bodies—and call out unfair shaming or sexist
name-calling when you see it happen. Not only is it the right thing to
do, but it will also help your daughter feel more comfortable
confiding in you around what might be more sensitive matters.
9. She’s doesn’t want to be a whiner
Your daughter
might feel weird or different for being upset by behaviors everybody
else seems fine with—whether that’s rude comments, “teasing,” or other
behavior that’s so prevalent in our world that it almost seems normal.
So make sure to call out instances of bullying, taunting, and
harassment when you see them in real life or on TV, and talk to her
about why they’re not OK. It’ll help her see that you’d get it if she
came to you with a similar issue.
10. She wants everyone—including you—to think her life is
With social media making it easier than ever to
fabricate a flawless life, there’s extra pressure on girls to appear
happy, upbeat, and positive 24/7. After all, if everyone else on
Instagram is having so much fun, shouldn’t she be, too? That pressure
can lead to girls masking totally normal (even healthy!) feelings like
sadness, isolation, anxiety, and anger instead of working through them
with family and friends. Talk to her about how things can seem one way
on social media and be totally different in real life, and ask her
about any expectations she thinks she has to live up to. Sharing any
unrealistic expectations you feel others might have of you
might help her feel more comfortable opening up.
11. She’s worried you’ll blab to grandma, the aunts, and everyone
It’s not just teens who spread gossip—adults do it,
too, even if not in a malicious way. So try to watch yourself and
limit your own urge to unnecessarily spread news about the neighbor
down the street or your brother’s girlfriend’s health issue. This will
help your daughter take you seriously when you say she can trust you
not tell the whole town about her problem.
12. She’s being intimidated or threatened
From saying,
“I’ll get in trouble if you tell,” to “I’ll beat you up if you talk,”
bullies and abusers often use fear of retribution or emotional
manipulation to keep their targets quiet. When you talk to your
children about bullying and adult predators, make sure to talk about
this element of it. Let them know that anyone who says those kinds of
things should not be trusted, and if they’re ever in that kind of a
situation, to come to you right away for help and protection if needed.
13. She’s sure the situation is hopeless
Sometimes social drama or other issues can build up to such a
level that it can seem there’s nothing anyone could do to help.
That’s why it’s important to always let her know that while you might
not always have the answers to any specific problem, you’ll always be
there to help her think through the problems, to listen and be there
for support, or to connect her to people who can help. Above all, let
her know she’s never alone, and that you will love her and cherish her
no matter what.