It’s Your Planet—Love It!

Girls learn about the environment every day. And every day Girl Scouts ask how they can take action to respect and protect the planet we all call home.

In the It’s Your Planet—Love It! Leadership Journey, girls learn about environmental topics such as clean water and air, noise pollution, global warming, soil contamination, and agricultural processes. Each Journey is packed with current environmental information and offers ways to improve life for everyone on the planet.

See what girls can do on the Journey. (PDF)

A World of Fun, Facts, and Friends
Take a look at just a few of the activities Girls Scouts enjoy on their Journeys:

Between Earth and Sky

—In Between Earth and Sky, Daisies learn about nature by visiting parks, talking to experts, and making origami butterflies. Then they take action to protect the Earth and help their communities by doing art projects, planting trees, or creating a garden.

WOW! Wonders of Water

—Visiting lakes, learning about water quality, and hearing from experts are on the agenda for Brownies in WOW! Wonders of Water. They put theory into practice by making informative posters, promoting recycling at school, and planting low-water gardens.


—As part of GET MOVING! Juniors go for nature walks, interview power-use experts, and conduct energy audits of local buildings. They take action by launching carpools, working to dim the lights on city buildings, and promoting energy savings at school. 


—A wind farm, an environmental scientist, and experiments using wind teach girls about the air we breathe. Cadettes work together to complete Breathe! by planting an indoor garden, campaigning against smoking, and pushing for clean-air initiatives in their communities.

Sow What?

Sow What? is all about food: how and where it’s grown, harvested, processed, distributed, and consumed, and why it matters. Seniors share their knowledge and host a farmers market, inspire others to eat locally, and plan a community vegetable garden.


—By identifying global environmental issues and creating visions for change, through Justice, Ambassadors work together to address food and land-use issues, improve food delivery systems, fight hunger in developing nations, and rediscover healthy eating traditions.

Journey Awards
In a Girl Scout Journey, awards link experiences, discussions, and ideas that girls explore together. As Girl Scouts progress from Daisy to Ambassador, their awards symbolize new and higher levels of achievement—and ultimately a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader.

All the steps girls take toward earning awards are built into each Journey. Guidebooks for parents and adult volunteers also suggest meaningful ways to help girls celebrate earning awards and reflect on their accomplishments.

Companion Guides for Adults
Adult guides for each level provide help for coaching girls along the way, and include a Journey overview, sample sessions, ideas on choosing and conducting activities, details on awards and badges, links to multimedia, online resources, and more. See Adult Resources.

Delivering Fun with Purpose

Everything girls do through Leadership Journeys helps them discover, connect, and take action in the world.

How It Works:

A girl discovers her special skills and talents, finds the confidence to set challenging goals for herself, and strives to live by her values.

She connects with others to solve problems and develop healthy relationships.


Then, she takes action to make the world a better place, learning about her community and the world in the process.

To bring the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to life, activities are often led by girls themselves, feature cooperative learning, and highlight learning by doing. Each Journey is carefully designed to teach girls to come up with their own ideas, build teams, realize their full potential, and experience the joy of making a positive impact.

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Success Story: A Troop Inspires a School