Girl Scout New Badges 2021

New Badge Activity Sampler

New badges equal new ways for girls to explore their world.

This year, Girl Scouts is introducing 28 new badges to inspire the next generation of strong female leaders. Whether she’s interested in entrepreneurship, math, the outdoors, or digital leadership, every girl is invited to sample these new badge activities—and show the world her courage, confidence, and character as she makes the world a better place.

STEM in the Outdoors

Badge Activities: Math in Nature

Plan a hiking adventure, create trail maps, and design a bird feeder—all while learning math concepts and how they apply outside the classroom.

Daisy | Brownie | Junior


Badge Activities: Cookie Business

Think beyond the booth or storefront and forge a stronger connection with cookie customers online with the Digital Cookie® platform.

Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador


Badge Activities: Digital Leadership

Explore digital literacy and wellness and use what's learned to raise awareness on a topic or cause girls care about.

Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador

Visit the Girl Scout Shop for new 2021 badges and check out the Award and Badge Explorer for details on every badge a Girl Scout can earn.