Examine how you use technology. Then create an infographic to
show your digital landscape.
Cadette Map Your Digital Landscape Badge Activity
Map Your Digital Landscape
Activity Details
Time needed: 30–40 minutes
Materials needed:
- My Digital Data Tracker (PDF)
- Smartphone, tablet, or computer
- Paper
- Pencils
- Markers or colored pencils
Your digital landscape is made up of all the things you do with technology. A computer, smartphone, or tablet is your passport to the digital world. You can discover different platforms or tools, like websites, apps, gaming, social media, email, and messaging. Your landscape includes what you do online, what you observe, and how you act.
The groups you belong to or follow online are your digital community. Do you connect for school or with your library online? That’s your digital community. Play video games with friends? Also in your digital community. What about texting, emailing, or video chatting with friends and family? They’re in your digital community, too.
In the real world, people might leave footprints in the mud, sand, or snow as they move from place to place. We leave footprints in the digital world, too. Many things you do and share online can create a digital footprint with data or information about you. Your digital footprint includes who you follow as well as the communities and networks you’re a part of. It isn’t always visible to everyone. But some parts of your digital footprint can be visible to those who know how to look for it.
If you look at how you use technology, what’s in your digital footprint? Who and what is in your own digital landscape? Your digital footprint and digital landscape are created by your activities online. First, fill out My Digital Data Tracker to understand how you spend your time in the digital world.
Then, analyze your data to find ways to better use technology, like not looking at devices right before you try to sleep or perhaps deciding not to use an app anymore. How can you use your time and technology more effectively? Are there better apps or platforms for what you want to do online? How can you protect your data? You can also brainstorm ways to support others in the digital world. How can you use technology to make a difference?
Here are some ideas to take care of yourself and others online:
Mind your screen time. How much time do you spend in the digital world? Many devices and apps can help you understand and manage the amount of time you’re using them. Try to avoid looking at screens or mute notifications while you’re eating, going to bed, or trying to focus. Balance what you do in the digital and “real” worlds—explore nature, play a sport, or meet with friends in person.
Be thoughtful about what you share online. Public information, like what you think of a new movie or who your favorite singer is, is fine to share online with people you know and trust, but sharing private information is not. Never post private information like your home address, phone number, email address, location, or your passwords for your email accounts, devices, or other accounts.
Remember your values. Don’t share photos or videos you don’t have permission to share, anything private or embarrassing about yourself or someone else, or anything that would make someone else feel bad, like gossip, bad words, or other unkind actions. If someone is bullying you or someone else, consider how you might want to intervene—whether that be by reporting the account, kindly addressing the bully directly, or speaking with a trusted adult for advice.
Be aware and stay up to date. Think before you click! Only open emails that come from sources you know. Don’t click on suspicious links or open suspicious attachments. Keep your devices and apps up to date. Change your passwords regularly and don’t share them with anyone else. Be careful who you let use your devices, and be careful and considerate when using someone else’s.
Check your feelings. How do you feel when you are online? Pay attention to how you feel when using social media or messaging with friends. Balance your screen time with other activities and choose to interact only with people who are positive and supportive. Also consider what you’re looking at online—things that seem too good to be true or unlike anything you’ve seen online may be just that. Keep in mind that what you see online is just one part of someone’s life.
Ask for help and help others. If you’re having a hard time, either online or in the “real” world, tell someone, like a relative, troop leader, or teacher. They can support you to find help and make sure you’re safe. If a friend seems upset or angry, reach out, listen, and be supportive. If needed, ask a trusted adult for help or call 911.
Once you’ve analyzed your data and have a few ideas about how to be more intentional online, make an infographic to share how you use technology as a digital leader. Infographics are a visual way of showing data. Before you get started, search online for infographics about a topic you care about or are interested in. What data does each share? How do they show the data visually? How can you present your own data and ideas in an interesting way?
Create an infographic or concept map showing how you use technology now and how you’ll use it to make a difference in the future. Include data about the apps, website, games, or anything else you use. Add how often, what you do on them, why you use them, and how you feel when you use them. Show your digital connections, like who you emailed or messaged with and why. Include the ways you plan to better use technology to support yourself and others in the digital world.
Download the Badge Requirements.
Troop Leaders: The instructions for all badge steps are available free of charge in your Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit.
Girl Scouts at Home activities have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming and optimized for use during virtual troop meetings or for Girl Scouts at home.
Adapted from Step 1 of the Cadette Digital Leadership badge. Purchase the official Badge Booklet to complete all requirements and earn the badge.
Made possible by a generous grant from Instagram.