Brownie My Cookie Customers Badge Activity
Draw Your Community
and Find Your Customers
Think of new places to find customers and how you will inspire them to buy.
Activity Details
Time needed: 30 minutes
Materials needed:
- Paper
- Colored markers
- Pens and pencils
- Tape
There are potential cookie customers everywhere; you just need to find them!
Many people say they didn’t buy Girl Scout Cookies because they were never asked. You can change that.
On different pieces of paper, draw all the places where you can find customers.
Think about:
Your place of worship
Your school
Your family, friends, and your family’s co-workers
Draw pictures of people who might be your customers.
Paste or tape the pictures together so you can see your community of possible customers.
Share this with your family and friends and ask if they have more ideas for places where you can find customers.
Think about these questions:
- If selling at school, what would you say?
- If selling to your family members’ co-workers, what would you say?
- What will you tell them about your goals?
For more fun, earn your Brownie Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin!
Download the Badge Requirements.
Troop Leaders: The instructions for all badge steps are available free of charge in your Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit.
Girl Scouts at Home activities have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming and optimized for use during virtual troop meetings or for Girl Scouts at home.
Adapted from Step 3 of the Brownie My Cookie Customers badge. Purchase the official badge booklet to complete all requirements and earn the badge.