
A New Decade of Leadership

Join us for Campfire Chat on how leadership is defined, aspired to, and prepared for in our country. We’ll convene a panel of Girl Scout alums from a variety of industries in order to get a 360-degree view of American women today and develop advice for the next generation. Together we’ll ask: how has the perception of women in leadership roles changed in the last decade, and what can be done to move the needle even more in the future? Are women leaders finally seen as the boss rather than just bossy? What glass ceilings and limiting factors are still intact … and what needs to happen for us to finally smash through them — and bring other women with us?

This special live virtual event, which is sponsored by The David and Lura Lovell Foundation, will launch the groundbreaking Girl Scout Research Institute study on the state of girls and leadership. We’ll hear the results of this important research, exploring opportunities to remove the barriers that prevent girls from rising to their full potential.


  • Jo Ling Kent, Correspondent, NBC News (Moderator)
  • Alysia Montaño, Olympic Athlete and Founder of & Mother
  • Ráchel Roché Walton, Cyber-Intelligence Analyst, FBI
  • Ann Lovell, President, The David and Lura Lovell Foundation