Troop Brings Joy to Families, Servicemembers, and Animals
For the 2016–17 season, multi-level (Brownie through Junior) Troop 51157 from Girl Scouts of Connecticut didn’t set out to sell a certain number of Girl Scout Cookie boxes or reach a specific monetary goal. Instead, the girls decided to use all of their cookie earnings, along with their time, to make a difference in the lives of three groups that matter to them: the less fortunate, servicemen and women, and animals.
To start, the girls donated a turkey and enough side dishes for four Thanksgiving meals to the Woman’s Club of Greater New Milford, an organization that led an effort to provide more than 500 Thanksgiving dinners to those in need in the local community. The girls also spent an afternoon bagging and sorting the meals.
For their second cause, the girls used a portion of their cookie earnings to purchase items for two large care packages to send overseas to soldiers from Connecticut. The care packages included treats; letters; gifts; and, of course, Girl Scout Cookies! Best of all, the packages arrived just in time for the winter holidays—perfect.
Finally, with the last portion of cookie earnings, the troop purchased care items for animals in local shelters and ran a collection drive to gather even more supplies. The girls’ efforts quickly yielded a whole carful of blankets, towels, food, bowls, and more.
“We love being able to give back with our cookie proceeds,” said Rachel Alagna, the troop’s leader. “It is wonderful seeing the girls put in so much time and effort, and directly see the impact they can have on their community.”
Thank you, Troop 51157, for your selfless dedication to your community! What a great way to invest your hard-earned cookie money in the greater good.